Gain a holistic view of your portfolios
Having a complete and accurate view of your portfolios is crucial. Eze PMA provides you with a historic book of records and real-time reporting across all your asset classes so that you always know where your investments stand.

Streamline your middle- and back-office workflows
Disparate systems struggle to keep up with your complex investment operations. Integration with Eze Investment Suite applications and third-party interfaces allow you to automate and streamline your workflows across the entire trade lifecycle.

Manage your portfolios the way you need
You need a flexible and configurable platform capable of meeting your unique business needs. Eze PMA serves as the backbone of your back-office investment operations, delivering you the flexible reporting tools you need for both historical and real-time views of your data the way you want to see it.

Maintain accurate intraday and historical records of all your transactions and positions
Increase transparency with clear and accurate reporting
View all the metrics you need to in real time – NAV, P&L, cash, FX, transactions, and positions
Save time and money by automating repetitive and manual middle- and back-office tasks
Demonstrate operational excellence through standardized, repeatable processes
Slice data to create reports how you want to view them
“It was very simple to set up and get going quickly, with low risk. [Eze PMA is] easy-to-use, efficient, and gives us plenty of flexibility for the future.”

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