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SS&C Eze Reader Selection: Top 5 Investment Management Insights of 2020 | SS&C Eze

Written by Admin | Jan, 8 2021

Although 2020 was a challenging year, at SS&C Eze there were also many bright spots. Some of our highs included celebrating our 25th anniversary of providing award-winning solutions to automate the investment process, welcoming more than 130 new clients onto Eze Investment Suite and surpassing 150 firms signed on to Eze Eclipse, sharing some drinks and some laughs with many of you through our virtual events, winning more than 20 industry awards, and having the opportunity to provide you with insightful content about the investment management community.

This content included blog posts on a variety of topics, including cloud technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, trading and trade operations, and what life is like at SS&C Eze. As 2021 takes off, we wanted to take a moment to refresh some of what we learned over the past year by reflecting on our readers’ favorite blogs from 2020:

5. 7 Advanced Trading Tools You Need for Volatile Markets

The coronavirus pandemic has put unprecedented stress on markets across the world, causing volatility spikes and, thus, the re-emergence of active trading as traders dust off the playbooks of their active past to survive today’s quick up- and down- market movements.

Succeeding in this environment is all about speed, timing, and visibility. It is imperative to see the markets, make decisions quickly, and execute them effectively. This blog post explores the advanced trading and analytics tools needed to navigate these volatile markets and take advantage of this higher volatility.

4. EMS vs. OMS: Selecting the System for Your Firm’s Needs

What is the difference between an order management system (OMS) and an execution management system (EMS)? It’s a surprisingly common question we see from industry veterans and newbies alike. Oftentimes, a COO or CTO might know that in order to achieve operational alpha they will need one of these systems. However, they aren’t always sure which solution is best suited to meet the needs of their firm. And do they need both?

To clear up any confusion, we put together this post exploring the defining characteristics of each system, who uses it, and which might be right for your firm.

3. SS&C Eze Unveils Preview of New Mobile App

Today, mobility and accessibility are more important than ever. In October, we revealed the exciting news that SS&C Eze would be leveraging the power of Eze Eclipse in a next-generation mobile app for Android and iOS! Many readers tuned in to learn about how they can use the new Eze mobile app’s secure, mobile access to eclipse their competition on-the-go.

2. How to Start a Hedge Fund: Your Technology Provider & Long-Term Success

For readers thinking about or in the initial phases of starting a hedge fund, this blog provides tips for setting up and outlines the considerations you should make at the outset to start your fund on the right foot and ensure long-term growth.

To learn more on the subject, many readers downloaded our How to Start a Hedge Fund Ebook, a more in-depth look at setting your firm up for long-term success.

1. COVID-19 and Business Continuity: 6 Questions to Ask Your Vendors

In our most popular blog of the year, Mike Reddy, Chief Operating Officer at SS&C Eze, outlines the six questions you should ask your vendors to ensure they are up to the task of keeping the systems you rely on available, performant, and secure in uncertain times so that your business can continue to succeed.

Thank you for choosing to partner with SS&C Eze throughout 2020 for your solutions, services, and insights. We look forward to continuing our partnership this year!

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