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What’s New In Eze Investment Suite: 2018.6 | SS&C Eze

Written by Frank Orzechowski | Nov, 12 2018

The latest release of Eze Investment Suite is packed with features designed to enhance workflows across the front-, middle-, and back-office, as well as functionality within Eze Investor Accounting, the accounting system supporting limited partner and investor reporting. The EIA enhancements particularly resonate in light of ongoing market trends, so let’s dive in:

Eze Investor Accounting 2018.6: New Hedge Fund Calculations, GDPR and More

In the last few years, we’ve observed an increasing blurring of the lines between the needs of hedge funds, private equity shops and other alternatives managers. With more investor capital moving into Private Equity investment structures, investors want the same customize fee treatments historically seen only with the open-ended Hedge fund space. 

With the latest release, EIA users can leverage the proven waterfall feature used to calculate Fund and Deal level fees to create a fee structure unique to an individual investor’s needs. Just as with the Fund & Deal fee, users can depend on EIA to calculate the investor waterfall with each NAV period without user intervention and depend on the same detailed data points and audit trails for review and distribution.

We also introduced a new investor-level performance calculation at deal level, which allows hedge funds to report on an investor’s performance in side pockets. Also, users can now calculate Internal Rates of Return regardless of their fund type – a feature previously limited to private equity funds. By combining this information with group level performance, users can provide their investors a more robust view of how their capital has performed.

There are also new features to help users respond to “right to be forgotten” requests as part of GDPR. Users can now configure settings for individual investors in a specific fund to be forgotten after a number of years. If an investor, contact or person meets the criteria to be ‘forgotten,’ the personal data will be removed based on the user’s parameters.

There are a lot more customization and flexibility features in this release, so click here to read the full Update Tour for 2018.6.

Elsewhere in Eze Investment Suite, we’ve continued to improve features to simplify our users’ workflows.

Eze EMS 2018.6 saw improvements for handling staged or pair orders, as well as even better communication between the trading blotter in Eze OMS and staged orders in Eze EMS. 

Eze OMS 2018.6 saw performance, compliance and trade management improvements, including for Multi-Broker staging orders, with the Archive/Rollover process and child order processing simplified.

Eze PMA 2018.6 added new features and enhancements including an improved workflow to review and resolve unmapped securities, swaps enhancements, and more automation features across the board.

To explore these features and more, download the Update Tour for 2018.6.

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